Despite popular demand, the Mathematics reading group will not run this semester. Plans to study measure theory & the mathematical foundations of probability may come to fruition in the next semester.
The literature on enrichment, problem solving and mathematical thinking lacks clarity because it fails to give consistent interpretations of each of the terms. Often the terms are used in a way which assumes the reader's interpretation of the phrases "problem solving" or "mathematical thinking" are the same as the author's, although Schoenfeld (1992) is a rare case where a distinction is made, although not a distinction shared by this paper. how to master math
The literature on enrichment, problem solving and mathematical thinking lacks clarity because it fails to give consistent interpretations of each of the terms. Often the terms are used in a way which assumes the reader's interpretation of the phrases "problem solving" or "mathematical thinking" are the same as the author's, although Schoenfeld (1992) is a rare case where a distinction is made, although not a distinction shared by this paper. how to master math