Friday, June 22, 2012

Evolution Reading Group

The next meeting of the Evolution Reading Group is 2 PM Friday 29th June, Benjamin library. The reading is - 

John Beatty's "Reconsidering the Importance of Chance Variation" from Pigliucci, M. and G. B. Muller (2010), Evolution, the extended synthesis, (MIT Press).

Contact: Rachael Brown via rachael.brown{at}

Thursday, June 21, 2012

Evolution reading group

The next meeting of the evolution reading group will be 2 PM Friday 22 June in the Benjamin library.

The reading is Robert M. MacCallum, Matthias Mauch, Austin Burt, and Armand M. Leroi, "Evolution of music by public choice".

Electronic copy of the reading available upon request.

Contact: Stephan Kubicki (stephan.kubicki{at}

Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Evolution reading group

The next meeting of the evolution reading group will be 2 PM Friday 15 June in the Benjamin library.

The reading is James Woodward's "Causation in biology: stability, specificity, and the choice of levels of explanation".

Electronic copy of the reading available upon request.

Contact: Stephan Kubicki (stephan.kubicki{at}