Sunday, October 10, 2010

Basic information about MacIntyre Reading Group

The MacIntyre Reading Group usually meets every Friday morning in the Milgate Seminar Room in the Hope Building, currently from 9.00-11.00.

We have, gradually, worked through After Virtue; Whose Justice, Which Rationality, and are currently towards the end of Three Rival Versions, and expect in a couple of weeks to start Dependent Rational Animals (we typically read and discuss a chapter each week). With this, the seminar is likely to end, although we may possibly: (i) continue meetings, for those who are interested, on essays from his two volumes of essays, or on his book on the University/Catholic Philosophy, and possibly even the recent colleaction of his early writings from when he was a Marxist; (ii) organize a mini-conference on his work. We'd be delighted if anyone would care to join us in any of this.

For information, contact:

1 comment:

  1. On October 22nd, we will be meeting in the Milgate Room, Hope Building, from 9.00-11.00, to discuss the first part (i.e. up to page 28) of MacIntyre's *Dependent Rational Animals*.
