Monday, December 5, 2011

Evolution reading group - on hiatus

The Evolution reading group is on hiatus. We will reconvene in early February.

Contact: Stephan Kubicki (stephan.kubicki{at}

Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Evolution reading group, meeting 9

The next meeting of the Evolution reading group will be 2 PM Friday 2 December, in Seminar Rm E.

The reading is Craig Callender and Jonathan Cohen "Special sciences, conspiracy, and the Better Best System account of lawhood".

Electronic copy of the reading available upon request.

Contact: Stephan Kubicki (stephan.kubicki{at}

Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Evolution reading group, meeting 8

The next meeting of the Evolution reading group will be 2 PM Friday 25 November, in Seminar Rm E.

The reading is Robert Brandon and Grant Ramsey's "What's wrong with the emergentist statistical interpretation of natural selection and random drift?"

Electronic copy of the reading available upon request.

Contact: Stephan Kubicki (stephan.kubicki{at}

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Evolution reading group, meeting 7

The next meeting of the Evolution reading group will be 2 PM Friday 18 November, in Seminar Rm E.

The reading is Derek Turner's "Local underdetermination in historical science"

Electronic copy of the reading available upon request.

Contact: Stephan Kubicki (stephan.kubicki{at}

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Evolution reading group, meeting 6

The next meeting of the Evolution reading group will be 2 PM Friday 11 November, in Seminar Rm E.

The reading is Michael Krutzen's, Erik Willems', Carel van Schalk's "Culture and geographic variation in orangutan behaviour".

Electronic copy of the reading available upon request.

Contact: Stephan Kubicki (stephan.kubicki{at}

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Evolution reading group, meeting 5

The next meeting of the Evolution reading group will be 2 PM Friday 4 November, in Seminar Rm E.

The reading is Samir Okasha's "Fisher's fundamental theorem of natural selection---a philosophical analysis".

Electronic copy of the reading available upon request.

Contact: Stephan Kubicki (stephan.kubicki{at}

Friday, October 28, 2011

Ethics & International Public Policy - Fri 4 Nov (Anderson)

Next meeting: Friday 4 November, 12.30-1.30pm

Location: Coombs Seminar Room F.

Reading: Elizabeth Anderson (2010), 'The Imperative of Integration' - chapters 6 ('The imperative of integration') and 7 ('understanding affirmative action').

Contact: jonathan [dot] pickering [at] anu [etc]

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Evolution reading group, meeting 4

The next meeting of the Evolution reading group will be 2.30 PM Friday 28 October, in Seminar Rm E.

The reading is Richard Byrne's and Anne Russon's "Learning by imitation: a hierarchical approach".

Electronic copy of the reading available upon request.

Contact: Stephan Kubicki (stephan.kubicki{at}

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Marx's Capital - Seminar 10 - 21 October

Seminar 10 is on this Friday 21 October.

It will be on in Seminar room F in the Coombs building at 3pm as usual. We will be discussing Chapter 3 part 2.

Evolution reading group, meeting 3

The next meeting of the Evolution reading group will be 2 PM Friday 21 October, in Seminar Rm E.

The reading is Mohan Matthen and Andre Ariew's "Selection and causation".

Electronic copy of the reading available upon request.

Contact: Stephan Kubicki (stephan.kubicki{at}

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Ethics & International Public Policy - Fri 21 Oct (Anderson)

Next meeting: Friday 21 October, 12.30-1.30pm

Location: Coombs Seminar Room F.

Reading: Elizabeth Anderson (2010), 'The Imperative of Integration' - chapters 5 ('democratic ideals and segregation') and 6 ('the imperative of integration')

Contact: jonathan [dot] pickering [at] anu [etc]

Friday, October 14, 2011

Foundations meeting: Tuesday October 18, 12 noon

Meeting of the foundations reading group, students only.

Where: Benjamin Library
When: Tuesday October 18, 12 noon - 2pm

Reading: MacFarlane's forthcoming "Relativism and Knowledge Attributions"

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Ethics & International Public Policy - Fri 14 Oct (Anderson)

Next meeting: Friday 14 October, 12.30-1.30pm

Location: Coombs Seminar Room F.

Reading: Elizabeth Anderson (2010), 'The Imperative of Integration' - chapters 4 ('racial segregation today: a normative assessment') and 5 ('democratic ideals and segregation).

Contact: jonathan [dot] pickering [at] anu [etc]

Monday, October 10, 2011

Foundations meeting: Tuesday October 11, 12 noon

Meeting of the foundations reading group, students only.

Where: Benjamin Library
When: Tuesday October 11, 12 noon - 2pm

The group read two chapters (Chs. 1&7) from Cappelen & Lepore's Insensitive Semantics.

Ch.1 will give you a nice overview of the way C&L lay out the debate over contextualisms.
Ch. 7. is the material to focus on. C&L offer three tests for context sensitivity and maintain that virtually no expressions beyond the most obvious indexicals, pronouns, and demonstratives pass the tests.
What's nice about this from our perspective is that C&L are looking at the whole range of debates over contextualisms (and not approaching each individual expression piecemeal), offering fairly clear tests, and also coming to a *very very extreme* conclusion (all in an entertainingly opinionated way)!

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Happy Birthday ... Blog Turning One

Dear All,

In a couple of weeks, this blog is turning one. With more than 8,500 views, and visits from all continents, something appears to be going right. But no doubt, there are things that can be done to improve the blog.

Comments and suggestions are hereby invited. You can either leave a comment below, or email me directly, at ole dot koksvik thatsign gmail dot com.

(The blog's purpose is described on the 'About this Blog' page, linked on the right. Suggested amendments to that are of course also welcome.)

Foundations meeting: Tuesday October 4, 12 noon

The foundations reading groups are for postgraduate students in philosophy only.
This group is lead by Jonathan Schaffer.
Place: Benjamin Library
Time: 12 noon - 2pm, Oct 4
Reading: Lewis's "Index, Context, and Content" (contact Jonathan for a copy if required)

Foundations: Philosophy of Language (Schaffer)

Time: 12noon - 2pm, Tuesdays
First Meeting: October 4
Place: Benjamin Library
Topic: Invariantism / contextualism /relativism. For the first two meetings we will set up a background semantic framework, and for the last three meetings we will look at specific debates concerning predicates of personal taste, epistemic modals, and knowledge ascriptions.

Ethics & International Public Policy - Fri 7 Oct

* Note updated details *

Next meeting: Friday 7 October, 12.30-1.30pm

Location: Coombs Seminar Room F.

Reading: Elizabeth Anderson (2010), 'The Imperative of Integration' - chapter 1.

Contact: jonathan dot pickering at anu etc


A few colleagues have recommended Elizabeth Anderson’s recent book on ‘The imperative of integration’, and we thought we could devote a few sessions of the Ethics and International Public Policy reading group to the book in October. In case you’re not familiar with the book, here are a few impressions from fellow reading group member Scott Wisor:

‘The specific focus is on racial integration in the U.S., and specifically integration of blacks and whites. While that narrow topic may not be of particular interest to many of you, her book bears on, and brings new insights to, a host of standard philosophical topics, including ideal and non-ideal theory, feasibility, methodology and political philosophy, justice, responsibility, legal philosophy, democratic theory, equality, citizenship, and more. The philosophy is top notch, but at least as impressive is her ability to engage in interdisciplinary research. She doesn’t just draw on other fields, she has a command of them. Her range over other disciplines, from social psychology to economics to constitutional law, is as good as or better than almost any contemporary philosopher. I think it nicely demonstrates the possibilities of interdisciplinary, applied philosophy.’

We’re planning to meet over three consecutive weeks, beginning on Friday 7 October with chapter 1. At our first session a couple of people who have already read the book can recap some of the empirical work in chapters 2 and 3, and we can confirm the timing of some or all of the remaining chapters (4-9).

Marx's Capital - Seminar 8 - 30 September

Seminar 8 will be on Friday 30 September at 3pm in Seminar Room F in the Coombs Building.

We will be discussing Chapter 2 and possibly the beginning of Chapter 3. It would be good if we have read up to at least the end of the first part of Chapter 3.

Monday, September 26, 2011

Evolution Reading Group, meeting 2

The next meeting of the Evolution reading group will be 2 PM Friday 30 September, in Seminar Rm E.

The reading is Denis Walsh's, Tim Lewens', and Andre Ariew's "The trials of life: natural selection and random drift".

Electronic copy of the reading available upon request.

Contact: Stephan Kubicki (stephan.kubicki{at}

Thursday, September 22, 2011

Marx's Capital - Seminar 7 - 23 September

Seminar 7 this Friday 23 September at 3pm in Seminar Room F in the Coombs Building.

We will be continuing our discussion of the first chapter of Capital, 'The Commodity', with a focus on the final section on the commodity fetish.

Friday, September 9, 2011

Marx's Capital - Seminar 6 - 16 September

There will be no seminar this Friday 9/9/11.

We will reconvene for Seminar 6 next Friday 16/9/11 in Seminar Room F of the Coombs Building.

We will be discussing the last section of Chapter 1, the 'commodity-fetish.'

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Marx's Capital Volume 1 Reading Group

The focus of this group is Karl Marx’s Capital Volume 1. The group is open to anyone who has an interest in Marx’s critique of political economy. Regarding participation in the group it would be helpful to have at least a passing familiarity with Marx’s work and his relationship to German Idealist philosophy – in particular Hegel. Even though Capital Volume 1 is the focus of the group we often post supplementary readings in order to illuminate both different sections of the text and different interpretations. Hopefully we will finish volume 1 by mid 2012. Some of us may then embark on volumes 2, 3 and 4. We meet every Friday 3pm to 5pm in Seminar Room F of the Coombs Building.
For more information please contact Anthony Hayes email: antyphayes [at] gmail [dot] com

Monday, September 5, 2011

Moral and Political Philosophy - 14 September

The MPP reading group's next meeting will be Wednesday 14 September, to discuss the first part of Chapter 4 ("Wrongness and Reasons") of the Scanlon text. We will be reading up to and including Section 5. A scheduling conflict with a CAPPE postgrad confirmation seminar this week mean that we will again have no reading group this week.

So, this week there is no meeting.
Next week there is a meeting at the usual time and place (Seminar Room F, 2:30pm Wednesday)

Jon H

Monday, August 29, 2011

Evolution Reading Group, meeting 1

The Evolution of Cognition reading group has descended with modification into the Evolution reading group. The theme for a while will be on the recently resurrected debate between dynamical and statistical conceptions of evolution.

We will meet this week at Friday 2 PM in Seminar Room D (just for this week, following weeks will be in Seminar Room E).

The reading is the first chapter "Natural Selection and Fitness" from Massimo Pigliucci & Jonathan Kaplan's Making Sense of Evolution.

Electronic copies of the reading available upon request.

Contact: Stephan Kubicki (stephan.kubicki{at}

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Moral and Political Philosophy - 31 August

The MPP reading group's next meeting will be Wednesday 31 August, to discuss Chapter 3 ("Well-being") of the Scanlon text. It is over 40 pages so we are taking two weeks to read it thoroughly.

So, this week there is no meeting.
Next week there is a meeting at the usual time and place (Seminar Room F, 2:30pm Wednesday)

Jon H

Thursday, July 28, 2011

Metaphysics RG

The Metaphysics Reading Group is active again. It is currently reading Laurie Paul's forthcoming manuscript on causation. The group may continue after finishing that manuscript.

Jonathan Schaffer leads the group. He says that not much is background is required, but the group is now about 100 pages in to Paul's manuscript, so anyone wishing to join the group now would do well to read that first.

The group typically meets on Wednesdays in the Benjamin Library (in the department), between 11am and 1pm.

Monday, July 25, 2011

Probability meeting

2pm on Wednesday 27 July, in Coombs seminar room E, discussing:

Donald Gillies, The Propensity Interpretation (available here).

Moral and Political Philosophy - Scanlon's What we owe to each other

The MPP reading group will be starting its reading of TM Scanlon's What We Owe To Each Other next week with the first eight section of Chapter One. The Introduction will be assumed reading, but won't be discussed.

Wednesday 3 August
Seminar Room F, Coombs Building

Please email Jonathan Herington for the reading

Sunday, July 17, 2011

Probability meeting

Next meeting: 2pm Wednesday 20 July in Coombs seminar room E.

We'll be discussing: Richard Johns, A Subjective Theory of Objective Chance, available here.

Friday, July 8, 2011

Probability meeting

Despite popular demand, the probability reading group returns next week!

2pm Wednesday 13 July, Coombs seminar room E
James M. Joyce (2007). Epistemic Deference: The Case of Chance. Proceedings of the Aristotelian Society107 (2):187--206.

The reading is available here.

Friday, June 24, 2011

Moral and Political Philosophy - 29 June

The MPP reading group will be continuing its reading of Hursthouse. We will covering Chapter 11(the last one!) of the book, on "Objectivity".

Wednesday 29 June
Seminar Room F, Coombs Building

Please email Jonathan Herington for the reading

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Moral and Political Philosophy - 22 June

The MPP reading group will be continuing its reading of Hursthouse. We will covering Chapter 10 of the book, on "Naturalism for Rational Animals".

Wednesday 22 June
Seminar Room F, Coombs Building

Please email Jonathan Herington for the reading

Thursday, June 16, 2011

Ethics & International Public Policy - Tue 21 June

Next meeting: Tuesday 21 June, 1-2pm

Location: Coombs Seminar Room B.

Informal presentation: Jonathan Pickering: 'Climate Finance: aid, compensation or neither?'

Contact: jonathan dot pickering at anu etc

Monday, June 13, 2011

Moral and Political Philosophy - 15 June

The MPP reading group will be continuing its reading of Hursthouse. We will covering Chapter 9 of the book, on "Naturalism" in virtue ethics (i.e. the telos of humans etc etc)

Wednesday 15 June
Seminar Room F, Coombs Building

Please email Jonathan Herington for the reading

Friday, June 10, 2011

Foundations Meeting 14/06/2011

Tuesday 14 June at 1.30pm in Coombs seminar room D.

Topic: The relationship between the representational states posited by cognitive science and the intentional mental states featured in folk-psychology.

The reading is Kathleen Akins' 1996 JPhil paper, 'Of Sensory Systems and the Aboutness of Mental States'. See also Dennett on 'True Believers' for more on the ontological issue.

Contact Zoe Drayson for the reading.

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Foundations Meeting

Tuesday June 7, Seminar Room D

Focus on non-mental representation, mainly the notion of representation involved in computation.
Key reading for Frances Egan's 'Computation and Content', in which she argues (against the orthodoxy) that there's nothing essentially 'representational' about computational states. I'll be expecting everyone to have read at least this paper in full.

For a defence of the orthodox 'received view' and a response to Egan, see Mark Sprevak's 2010 paper. Bill Ramsey's 1997 Mind & Language paper is a nice exploration of the explanatory role of representations in cognitive science, with a focus on connectionist systems.
Contact Zoe Drayson for the readings.

Monday, June 6, 2011

Probability meeting

We'll meet at 2pm on Wednesday 8 June 2011 in Coombs seminar room E, to discuss:

Elliott Sober, Evolutionary Theory and the Reality of Macro Probabilities (temporarily available here).

Thursday, June 2, 2011

Ethics & International Public Policy - Tue 7 June

Next meeting: Tuesday 7 June, 1-2pm

Location: Coombs Seminar Room B.

Informal presentation: 'Ethical and Philosophical Considerations of Nuclear Energy: Lessons From Fukushima'

Contact: jonathan dot pickering at anu etc

Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Evolution of Cognition reading group, meeting 12

The next meeting of the Evolution of Cognition reading group is Friday 3rd June, 2:30 PM, in Seminar Rm F.

The readings are chapter 14, "Learning to Network", from Brian Skyrms' Signals, and Kim Sterelny's critical notice of Signals.

Electronic copies are available upon request.

The group will be taking a break for at least a couple of weeks after that. We may resume later in June.

Contact: Stephan Kubicki (stephan.kubicki{at}

Monday, May 23, 2011

Evolution of Cognition reading group, meeting 11

The next meeting of the Evolution of Cognition reading group is Friday 27th May, 2:30 PM, in Seminar Rm F.

The reading is chapters 13 & 14, "Networks II: Teamwork" and "Learning to Network", from Brian Skyrms' Signals.

Electronic copies are available upon request.

Contact: Stephan Kubicki (stephan.kubicki{at}

Probability meeting

We'll meet at 2pm on Wednesday 25 May, in Coombs seminar room E to discuss:

Michael Strevens, 'Bayesian Confirmation Theory: Inductive Logic, or Mere Inductive Framework?'

The paper is available here.

Ethics & International Public Policy - Tue 24 May

Next meeting: Tuesday 24 May, 1-2pm

Location: Coombs Seminar Room B.

Paper: Terry Nardin on 'Middle-ground ethics: Can One Be Politically Realistic Without Being a Political Realist?'

Contact: jonathan dot pickering at anu etc

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Evolution of Cognition reading group, meeting 10

Due to the "Thursday" seminar being on Friday this week, the next session of the joint Formal Semantics and Evolution of Cognition reading group will be Thursday 19th May, 4 PM, Benjamin Library.

The reading is chapters 11 & 12, "Networks 1: Logic and Information Processing" & "Complex Signals and Compositionality", from Brian Skyrms' Signals.

Electronic copies are available upon request.

Contact: Stephan Kubicki (stephan.kubicki{at}

Monday, May 16, 2011

Probability meeting

4pm Wednesday 18 May 2011, in the Benjamin library (Coombs building, nearish seminar room E, on the same level).

We'll discuss sections 1,2,3 and 6 of Williamson, Very Improbable Knowing, available here.

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Evolution of Cognition reading group, meeting 9

The next meeting of the Evolution of Cognition reading group is Friday 13th May, 2:30 PM, Seminar Rm F.

The reading is chapter 10, "Inventing New Signals", from Brian Skyrms' Signals.

Electronic copies are available upon request.

Contact: Stephan Kubicki (stephan.kubicki{at}

Monday, May 9, 2011

Moral and Political Philosophy - 11 May

Just a reminder that the MPP reading group will be continuing this week. We will be starting 15 minutes later than usual to accommodate an employment workshop for CAPPE students. We will covering Chapters 4 and 5 of the Hursthouse reading

Wednesday 11 May
Seminar Room F, Coombs Building

Please email Jonathan Herington for the reading

Sunday, May 8, 2011

Probability meeting

We'll meet at 2pm on Wednesday 11 May 2010, in Coombs seminar room E, to discuss:

Alan Hajek, Is strict coherence coherent? (The paper is available here.)

Friday, May 6, 2011

Foundations Meeting

Foundations Seminar resumes next Tuesday, May 10, at 1330 in SR D.
The topic for Tuesday is intentionalism. These are the readings: 

- Gilbert Harman, "The Intrinsic Quality of Experience" -
- Fred Dretske, "Experience as Representation" -

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Evolution of Cognition reading group, meeting 8

The next meeting of the Evolution of Cognition reading group is Friday 6th April, 2:30 PM, Seminar Rm F.

The reading is chapter 9, "Generalizing Signaling Games: Synonyms, Bottlenecks, Category Formation", from Brian Skyrms' Signals. Useful additional reading on this material is Donaldson, Lachmann, Bergstrom (2007), "The evolution of functionally referential meaning in a structured world," Journal of Theoretical Biology 246: 225–233

Electronic copies of both texts are available upon request.

Contact: Stephan Kubicki (stephan.kubicki{at}

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Ethics & International Public Policy - Tue 10 May

Next meeting: Tuesday 10 May, 12-1pm

Location: Coombs Seminar Room F.

Informal presentation: Alejandra Mancilla on ''Does the Old Duty of Humanity Assist or Harm the Global Justice Debate?'

Contact: jonathan dot pickering at anu etc

Monday, May 2, 2011

Probability meeting

We'll meet at 2pm on Wednesday 4 May 2011 in Coombs seminar room E to discuss:

Michael Strevens (1995). A Closer Look at the 'New' Principle. British Journal for the Philosophy of Science 46 (4):545-561.

The paper is available here.

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Moral and Political Philosophy - 11 May

The MPP Reading Group will be taking a short hiatus over the next two weeks and will return on Wednesday 11 May.

It will continue its discussion of On Virtue Ethics with discussion of Chapters 4 and 5: "Aristotle and Kant" and "Virtue and the Emotions. Details are, as usual:

Wednesday 11 May
Seminar Room F, Coombs Building

Please email Jon Herington if you have not received the reading.

Friday, April 22, 2011

Probability meeting

We'll meet at 2pm on Wednesday 27 April 2011 in Coombs seminar room E.

We'll finish discussing the Skyrms chapter (1A) that we started last time (beginning from section 1A4, p.19 as they're marked in the document linked below); and we'll also discuss appendix 2.

Here are links to the reading:

1. Chapter 1A of Skyrms's "Causal Necessity", temporarily available here.
2. Appendix 2 of the same book, temporarily available here.

Friday, April 15, 2011

Evolution of Cognition reading group, session 8 - cancelled

Apologies for the late notice. Today's (Friday 15th April) session has been cancelled.

Foundations Meeting

The next foundations meeting will be

Tuesday 19/4, 1330 - 1530
Seminar Room D

We will finish the Stalnaker text, start looking at an exerpt from Lewis's Plurality of Worlds, and discuss measurement theory. Contact Wolfgang if you're missing some of the reading.

Thursday, April 14, 2011

Probability meeting

We'll meet at 2pm on Wednesday 20 April 2011 in Coombs seminar room E to discuss:

Section 1A of Skyrms's "Causal Necessity", temporarily available here.

Sunday, April 10, 2011

Evolution of Cognition reading group, meeting 8

The next meeting of the Evolution of Cognition reading group is Friday 15th April, 2:30 PM, Seminar Rm F.

The reading is chapter 9, "Generalizing Signaling Games: Synonyms, Bottlenecks, Category Formation", from Brian Skyrms' Signals. Useful additional reading on this material is Donaldson, Lachmann, Bergstrom (2007), "The evolution of functionally referential meaning in a structured world," Journal of Theoretical Biology 246: 225–233

Electronic copies of both texts are available upon request.

The group will be taking a break for a couple of weeks after that. We'll probably resume on Friday 6th May.

Contact: Stephan Kubicki (stephan.kubicki{at}

Saturday, April 9, 2011

Foundations Meeting, Tue 12/4, 1330-1530, SR D

The next Foundations meeting will be:

Tuesday the 12th of April
1:30pm to 3:30pm
Seminar Room D.

The reading is the same as last last week: chapter 1 of Stalnaker's Inquiry. Contact Wolfgang if you need a copy of the reading.

Thursday, April 7, 2011

Moral and Political Philosophy - 13 April

The MPP Reading Group will continue its discussion of On Virtue Ethics with discussion of Chapter 2: "Resolvable Dilemmas". Details are as follows:

Wednesday 6 April
Seminar Room F, Coombs Building

Please email Jon Herington if you have not received the reading.

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Evolution of Cognition reading group, meeting 7

The next meeting of the Evolution of Cognition reading group is Friday 8th April, 2:30 PM, Seminar Rm F.

The reading is chapters 7 & 8, "Learning" & "Learning in Lewis Signaling Games", from Brian Skyrms' Signals.

Electronic copies are available upon request.

Contact: Stephan Kubicki (stephan.kubicki{at}

Moral and Political Philosophy - 6 April

Tomorrow the MPP Reading Group starts On Virtue Ethics. The First chapter will be the focus of discussion, with the introduction being assumed reading. Details are as follows:

Wednesday 6 April
Seminar Room F, Coombs Building

Monday, April 4, 2011

Foundations Meeting

The Foundations Reading Group on mental representation will be lead by Wolfgang for the next few weeks, on the topic of pragmatic theories of intentionality.

The next meeting will be on Tuesday the 5th of April. The reading is chapter 1, of Stalnaker's Inquiry. Please contact Wolfgang to obtain a copy of the reading. We're asked to read at least up until the top of p 17.

Monday, March 28, 2011

Evolution of Cognition reading group, meeting 6

The next meeting of the Evolution of Cognition reading group is Friday 1st April, 2:30 PM, Seminar Rm F.

The reading is chapter 6, "Deception", from Brian Skyrms' Signals.

Electronic copies are available upon request.

Contact: Stephan Kubicki (stephan.kubicki{at}

Foundations Meeting

The Foundations Reading Group on mental representation will meet in Tuesday March 29 in Seminar Room D, 1330 - 1530. The reading is 'Advertisement for a Semantics for Psychology', by Ned Block. Contact Angela for a copy of the reading.


The Foundations reading groups are led by faculty members. Each group typically runs for six sessions, and aims to give the sudents an advanced introduction to a particular philosophical topic area.
Previous groups have treated topics such as probability, perception, physicalism, meta-logic, normative ethics, mathematics, metaphysics, intuition, and action.

The Foundations reading groups are open only to postgraduate students enrolled in or visiting the ANU Philosophy program. A certain level of participation is required for enrolled students; see the page on the 'Foundations Course'.

Current Foundations Reading Group
Clicking here will take you to the most recent posts for the Foundations seminar.

Thursday, March 24, 2011

Probability meeting

We'll meet at 2pm on Wednesday 30 March, in Coombs seminar room E to discuss:

Frank Arntzenius (1995). Indeterminism and the Direction of Time. Topoi 14 (1).

The paper is available here.

Moral and Political Philosophy - 30 March

lThe next meeting of the Moral and Political Philosophy Reading Group will wrap-up our discussion of Justice as Fairness. Details are as follows:

Wednesday 30 March
Seminar Room F, Coombs Building

All are welcome. After next week's reading group we will be starting an eight week reading of Rosalind Hursthouse's On Virtue Ethics. Those wishing to obtain an electronic copy of the introduction and first chapter of the Hursthouse reading should contact Jon Herington.

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Evolution of Cognition reading group, meeting 5

The next meeting of the Evolution of Cognition reading group is Friday 25th March, 2:30 PM, Seminar Rm F.

The reading is chapters 4 & 5, "Evolution" and "Evolution in Lewis Signaling Games", from Brian Skyrms' Signals.

Electronic copies are available upon request.

Contact: Stephan Kubicki (stephan.kubicki{at}

Thursday, March 17, 2011

Probability meeting

2pm Wednesday 23 March 2011, Coombs seminar room E. We'll discuss:

Elliott Sober (1993). Temporally Oriented Laws. Synthese 94 (2).

The paper can be found here.



Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Ethics & International Public Policy - Tue 22 Mar

Next meeting: Tuesday 22 March, 12.30-1.30 pm

Location: Coombs Seminar Room B.

Informal presentation: Luara Ferracioli on 'Skill flow and moral responsibility'

Contact: jonathan dot pickering at anu etc

Monday, March 14, 2011

Evolution of Cognition reading group, meeting 4

Hi all,

The next meeting of the Evolution of Cognition reading group is Friday 18th March, 2:30 PM, Seminar Rm F.

The reading is chapter 3, "Information", from Brian Skyrms' Signals.

Electronic copies are available upon request.

Contact: Stephan Kubicki (stephan.kubicki{at}

Probability meeting

2pm, Wednesday 16 March 2011 in Coombs seminar room E, to discuss:

Chapter 12 ('Induction and Objectification') of Richard Jeffrey's book, The Logic of Decision.

Update: The reading is available here.

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Practical Cognition -- meeting 13

We will meet Friday, 11th March, at 2pm on the tea room balcony to discuss the final bit of Michael Thompson's Life and Action, specifically, section 4 of chapter 10 and chapter 11.

A copy of the reading available for photocopying is in the pigeon hole bearing the name "John Bengson", located among the pigeon holes located near the elevator (the one by the tea room) on the second floor of Coombs.

Monday, March 7, 2011

Moral and Political Philosophy - 9 March

The next meeting of the Moral and Political Philosophy Reading Group will continue our discussion of Part IV of Justice as Fairness. Details are as follows:

Wednesday 9 March
Seminar Room F, Coombs Building

Those wishing to attend can obtain an electronic copy of the reading from Jon Herington

Friday, March 4, 2011

Probability meeting

2pm Wednesday 9 March, in Coombs seminar room E, discussing:

Paul Humphreys (2004). Some Considerations on Conditional Chances. British Journal for the Philosophy of Science 55 (4):667-680.

The paper is available here.

Thursday, March 3, 2011

Ethics & International Public Policy - Tue 8 Mar

Next meeting: Tuesday, 8 March, 12.30-1.30 pm

Location: Coombs Seminar Room C.

Informal presentation: Scott Wisor on 'Public reason and poverty measurement'

Contact: jonathan dot pickering at anu etc

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Practical Cognition -- meeting 12

We will meet Friday, 4th March, at 2pm on the tea room balcony to discuss part three, "Practical Generality", of Michael Thompson's Life and Action.

A copy of the reading available for photocopying is in the pigeon hole bearing the name "John Bengson", located among the pigeon holes located near the elevator (the one by the tea room) on the second floor of Coombs.

Monday, February 28, 2011

Evolution of Cognition reading group, meeting 3

Hi all,

The next meeting of the Evolution of Cognition reading group is Friday 4th March, 2:30 PM, Seminar Rm F.

The reading is up to the end of chapter 2 of Brian Skyrms' monograph Signals.

Electronic copies of the texts mentioned are available upon request.

Contact: Stephan Kubicki (stephan.kubicki{at}

Formal (Meta)-Semantics - Meeting 14

Next meeting: Friday 04.03, 14 30pm - 4pm.

Location: Seminar Room F.

Reading: Brian Skyrms: Signals. Chapter 1&2.


Sunday, February 27, 2011

Probability meeting

2pm on Wednesday 2 March, in Coombs seminar room E.

We'll discuss three sevenths (see below) of Antony Eagle's 'Twenty-One Arguments against Propensity Analyses of Probability', which is available here.

The parts we'll discuss: Section 3, Arguments 1, 2, 5, 6 and 13-17 (inclusive)

For those not too familiar with propensity accounts of probability, it might also be helpful to look at the introductory parts of the paper - Sections 1 (Analysing probability) and 2 (Propensity analyses), excluding subsection 2.5, which is about a version of the propensity view that isn't targeted by the arguments we'll be discussing.

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Practical Cognition -- meeting 11

We will meet Friday, 25th February, at 2pm on the tea room balcony to discuss part two, "Naive Action Theory", of Michael Thompson's Life and Action. We'll focus on chapters 7 and 8.

A copy of the reading available for photocopying is in the pigeon hole bearing the name "John Bengson", located among the pigeon holes located near the elevator (the one by the tea room) on the second floor of Coombs.

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Mathematics Reading Group

Despite popular demand, the Mathematics reading group will not run this semester. Plans to study measure theory & the mathematical foundations of probability may come to fruition in the next semester.

Monday, February 21, 2011

Evolution of Cognition reading group, meeting 2

Hi all,

The next meeting of the Evolution of Cognition reading group is Friday 25th February, 2:30 PM, Seminar Rm F.

The reading is Merlin Donald, 1999, "Preconditions for the evolution of protolanguages", in Michael Corballis & Stephen Lea (eds.), The Descent of Mind: Psychological Perspectives on Hominid Evolution, Oxford UP, 138--154.

Following this we'll be reading Brian Skyrms' monograph Signals.

Electronic copies of the texts mentioned are available upon request.

Contact: Stephan Kubicki (stephan.kubicki{at}

Friday, February 18, 2011

Formal Semantics - Meeting 13

Next meeting: Friday 25.02, 11am - 1pm.

Location: Seminar Room D.

Reading: Avery Andrews: Model Theory for Antirealists.


Thursday, February 17, 2011

Ethics & International Public Policy - Tue 22 Feb

Next meeting: Tuesday, 22 Feb, 12.30-1.30 pm

Location: Coombs Seminar Room C.

Informal presentation: Holly Lawford-Smith and Anne Schwenkenbecher on 'Climate change: does fairness matter?'

Contact: jonathan dot pickering at anu etc

Probability meeting

Next meeting: 2pm Wednesday 23 Feb, in Coombs seminar room E, to discuss:

Ilho Park, Compound Belief Updates

The paper is (temporarily) available here.


This paper discusses partial belief updates and simultaneous belief updates. Contrary to what many probabilists think, it is shown here that belief updates can be modeled by using Jeffrey conditionalization (JC) and that the modeling results so obtained are similar to those obtained by using Maximal Entropy Principle. With the help of these results, it is argued that Kullback-Leibler distance measure in Maximal Entropy Principle is more plausible than other distance measures.

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Practical Cognition -- meeting 10

We will meet Friday, 18th February, at 2pm on the tea room balcony to discuss part two, "Naive Action Theory", of Michael Thompson's Life and Action. We will focus on chapters 5 and 6.

A copy of the reading available for photocopying is in the pigeon hole bearing the name "John Bengson", located among the pigeon holes located near the elevator (the one by the tea room) on the second floor of Coombs.

Monday, February 14, 2011

Moral and Political Philosophy - 16 Feb

The next meeting of the Moral and Political Philosophy Reading Group will continue our discussion of Part II of Justice as Fairness. Particular emphasis will be placed on sections discussing the difference principle. Details are as follows:

Wednesday 16th February
Seminar Room F, Coombs Building

Those wishing to attend can obtain an electronic copy of the reading from Jon Herington

Friday, February 11, 2011

Formal Semantics - Meeting 12

Next meeting: Friday 18.02, 11am - 1pm.

Location: Seminar Room D.

Reading: Pauline Jacobson: Towards a Variable-Free Semantics (Sections 1&2).

The paper can be found here.


Probability meeting

We'll meet at 2pm Wednesday 16 Feb in Coombs seminar room E, to discuss:

Brian Weatherson, The Bayesian and the Dogmatist. Proceedings of the Aristotelian Society Volume 107, Issue 1pt2, pages 169–185, August 2007

The paper is available here.

Moral and Political Philosophy Reading Group

The Moral and Political Philosophy Reading Group focuses on foundational readings in moral and political philosophy.

Our primary goal is to give students in the School of Philosophy a broad understanding of ethical theory and related fields. We are currently reading book-length treatments of ethics and political philosophy, with a particularly focus on classics within the field.

For students within CAPPE, the reading group is compulsory, but others within the School are welcome to attend.

Those interested in participating should contact Jonathan Herington (use Outlook look-up for email address)

During the second semester of 2011 we will be meeting at 2:30-3:45pm on Wednesdays, in Seminar Room F of the Coombs Building. The tentative schedule for the first half of teh semester is as follows:

Date Title Chapter Pages
3 Aug What We Owe
to Each Other (TM Scanlon)
Reasons 1-9 (pp. 17-49) 31
10 Aug Reasons 10-14 (pp. 50-77) 27
17 Aug Values (pp. 78-107) 29
24 Aug Well-Being (pp. 108-146) 38
31 Aug Wrongness and Reasons (pp. 147 - 188) 41
7 Sept The Structure of Contractualism 1-6 (pp. 189-218) 29
14 Sept The Structure of Contractualism 7-10 (pp. 218-247) 29
21 Sept Responsibility 1-3 (pp. 248-294) 46
28 Sept Promises (pp. 295-327) 32
5 Oct Relativism (pp. 328-361) 33

Thursday, February 10, 2011

Evolution of Cognition reading group, meeting 1

Hi all,

The Evolution of Cognition Reading Group is starting up again. The first meeting for the semester is Friday 18th February, 2:30 PM, Seminar Rm F.

The reading is Ruth Garrett Millikan, 2010, "On Knowing The Meaning", Mind 119(473): 43-81. Electronic copy available upon request.

Contact: Stephan Kubicki (stephan.kubicki{at}

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Formal Semantics - Meeting 11

Next meeting: Friday 11.02., 11am - 1pm.

Location: Seminar Room D.

Reading: Chapter 3 & 4 of Johan van Benthem: Language in Action.

Please contact me if you need the text.

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Ethics & International Public Policy RG - Tue 8 Feb

Next meeting: Tuesday, 8 Feb, 12.30-1.30 pm

Location: Coombs Seminar Room B.

Informal presentation: Jon Herington on health security

Contact: jonathan dot pickering at anu etc

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Probability meeting

2pm Wednesday 9 February, seminar room E. Reading:

Christopher J. G. Meacham, 'Unravelling the Tangled Web: Continuity, Internalism, Uniqueness and Self-Locating Belief'

The paper is available here.

Formal Semantics - Meeting 10

Next meeting: Friday 04.02., 11am - 1pm.

Location: Seminar Room D.

Reading: Section 1&2 of Michael Moortgat: Categorial Type Logics.
The paper can be found here.


Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Practical Cognition -- meeting 9

We will be discussing Michael Thompson's Life and Action: Elementary Structures of Practice and Practical Thought over the course of the next several weeks. Everyone is warmly invited to participate.

The first meeting will be held Friday, 11th February, at 2pm on the tea room balcony. We will discuss the introduction and part one, "The Representation of Life".

Copies of the reading will be made available in advance of each meeting. Please check the pigeon hole bearing the name "John Bengson", located among the pigeon holes located near the elevator (the one by the tea room) on the second floor of Coombs.

Please send an email to if you are interested in participating yet are unable to attend on the specified day/time.

Monday, January 24, 2011

Formal Semantics - Meeting 9

Next meeting: Friday 28.01., 11am - 1pm.

Location: Seminar Room D.

Reading: Heim/Kratzer: Chapter 7: Quantification and Grammar.


Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Ethics & International Public Policy RG - Tue 25 Jan

Next meeting: Tuesday, 25 Jan, 12.30-1.30 pm

Location: Coombs Seminar Room B.

Presentation: Jonathan Pickering / Christian Barry - climate debt

Contact: jonathan dot pickering at anu etc

Friday, January 14, 2011

Formal Semantics - Meeting 8

Next meeting: Friday 21.01., 11am - 1pm.

Location: Seminar Room D.

Reading: Heim/Kratzer: Chapter 6: Quantifiers.


Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Formal Semantics - Meeting 7

Next meeting: Friday 14.01., 11am - 1pm.

Location: Tea balcony (or Seminar Room F).

Reading: Heim/Kratzer: Chapter 5: Relative Clauses, Variables, Variable Binding.
