Monday, February 25, 2013

Evolution Reading Group

When: 2-3.30pm, Friday 1st March, 2013
Where: Benjamin Library (Coombs Building).
Reading: Heyes (2012) "Simple minds: a qualified defence of associative learning" Phil. Trans. R. Soc. B, 367, 2695-2703. 

Contact: rachael.brown{at}

Sunday, February 24, 2013

Probability reading group: Wed 27 Feb


the next meeting of the probability reading group will discuss Alan
Hajek's "Unexpected Expectations", which you can temporarily find
here: We meet on Wednesday at 2pm
in the Benjamin library.


Monday, February 18, 2013

Probability reading group: Wed 20 Feb 2pm


the probability reading group meets on Wednesday at 2pm in the
Benjamin library to discuss Richard Bradley's 'Reaching a consensus':
(Apologies for the short notice.)


Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Evolution Reading Group

When: 2-3.30pm, Friday 15th February, 2013

Where: Benjamin Library (Coombs Building).

NB: The discussion will assume familiarity with Clark and Chalmers' paper "The Extended Mind" (from Analysis 58:10-23, 1998). 

Contact: Rachael (rachael.brown{at}

Metaphysics and Science RG Meeting #3

When: Tuesday 26th of February from 11-12.30 (note: there is no meeting on Tuesday 19th of February)

Where:  Benjamin Library, Coombs Building

Reading: Laurie Paul's "Metaphysics as modeling: the handmaiden's tale" (from Philos Stud (2012) 160:1–29)

Contact: Rachael (rachael.brown{at}

Metaphysics and Science Reading Group

The Science and Metaphysics Reading Group focuses on the relationship between metaphysics and science, in particular the similarities and differences between the methodologies of the two fields.

We read a paper each week and the group is open to all graduate students and staff in the School of Philosophy. Others interested in attending should contact the convenor, Rachael Brown (rachael.brown{at}

During Semester I, 2013 we will be meeting at 11-12.30 on Tuesdays, in the Benjamin Library  (Coombs Building).

Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Evolution RG

The first meeting of the Evolution Reading Group for 2013 will be held on Friday 8th of February at 2pm in the Benjamin Library (Coombs Building).

We will be taking a little detour into some philosophy of cognitive science and discussing two short papers:

(1) Clark (1999) "An embodied cognitive science?" Trends in Cognitive Science, 3(9): 345-350.

(2) Taylor et. al (2010) "An Investigation into the Cognition Behind Spontaneous String Pulling in New Caledonian Crows" PLosOne, 5(2): e9435.

- Rachael (rachael.brown{at}

Science and Metaphysics RG

When: Tuesday 12th of February from 11am-12noon

Where:  Benjamin Library, Coombs Building

Godfrey-Smith, P. (2006), ‘Theories and models in metaphysics’, Harvard Review of Philosophy, 14: 4-19.

Contact: Rachael (rachael{dot}brown{at}